A novel engine powered by light | Lightcell

Not solar, but fireworks | E14 S³

How to invent a novel technology

During a visit to a steel mill Danielle Fong, CEO & cofounder of Lightcell, experienced the first of a few epiphanies. The intense heat within the mill juxtaposed with the sudden coolness she felt walking past a column prompted her realization about infrared shadows. In the same environment, she was intrigued by a green flame in the mill, learning it was likely due to copper. This led her down a rabbit hole, researching the colors of fireworks and flames, especially in the run-up to the 4th of July.

On July 4, 2020 while in Portland, Danielle was transfixed with the colorful brightness fireworks were able to emit on the faces of her friends. She began to ponder the limits of brightness and the power density of a firework. While down a rabbit hole of research she discovered that sodium flares, in particular, emit almost all their energy around 589 nanometers, sparking the idea of harnessing monochromatic light.

She recognized that if light was nearly monochromatic, then solar panels fine-tuned to that specific color could convert the energy with impressive efficiency. Her train of thought evolved: from fuel to heat, heat to light, and finally, light to electricity. She estimated efficiencies reaching up to “60, 70, or even 80 percent,” Danielle explained in our episode. This understanding of converting fuel into a specific kind of light, akin to a rocket's rapid reaction when provided with fuel and oxidizer, led her to found Lightcell in hopes of unlocking and engineering a “Light Engine.”

Building an R&D startup

While filming this episode I found it intriguing how Danielle is applying the typical startup model to what is essentially an R&D initiative. Most scientific breakthroughs of this magnitude are often confined to the sterile halls of massive corporate research centers or academic institutions. However, Danielle is daringly steering her ship differently. She is in the thick of startup culture, with its nimble agility, iterative approach, and penchant for rapid innovation. However all is not sunshine and roses while building the deepest of the deep tech in the startup Ecosystem.

Reflecting on her earlier venture, Light Sail energy, Danielle shed light on the challenges of pioneering technology within the startup landscape, remarking, "You could sort of watch VC interest come in to the sector and leave very quickly." She further explained how hard doing serious R&D work could be depending on the interests and focus of the VC environment.

Danielle's dedication to being the furthest ahead and constantly accelerating embodies the very essence of the startup ethos. This mindset, of always being on the move, isn't just about speed; it's about adaptability and resilience. Sam Altman once advised her, "If you can convince people that you're the furthest ahead, that you're moving faster than anybody else, and you're accelerating, you'll probably win." Danielle has taken this to heart. She emphasizes the significance of contingency plans, as seen in her comments about ensuring the company doesn't falter if a specific goal isn't achieved and setting ambitious stretch targets. Merging the persistent spirit of a researcher with the drive of an entrepreneur, her strategy goes beyond just creating innovative technology; it's about molding it into a dynamic, progressive, and continuously improving entity.

Energy: don’t save it, spend it

The prevailing narrative in discussions about climate change often gravitates towards a call to reduce energy consumption. The thought process suggests that to save our planet, we need to hit the brakes on energy usage. In my opinion, that’s (a) dumb and (b) never going to happen.

There's an alternate perspective, one that embraces the ethos of expansion, growth, and technological advancement. It's not about consuming less energy, but rather consuming more energy and improving our abilities to convert and source it. Danielle embodies this perspective at Lightcell.

For her, the conversation shouldn't focus on stifling humanity's growth but on fueling it sustainably. She believes that curtailing energy consumption is not only improbable given the trajectory of human advancement but could also be detrimental to the expansive potential of our species. Creating, using, and multiplying our energy resources are essential to paving the way for innovative technology that can enhance the quality of our lives. In this framework, energy becomes the propellant for a brighter future, not its adversary.

This approach requires a paradigm shift. Instead of viewing energy consumption as a vice, it sees it as a virtue. By focusing on harnessing energy from fuels in a manner that's not just efficient but also sustainable, Danielle hopes to pave the way for a world where humanity can accelerate its energy production and consumption without the associated guilt or environmental degradation. It's a vision that reframes the narrative from scarcity to abundance, underpinned by innovation.

Thanks for reading and watching, the next 5 episodes of S³ are going to be AWESOME… be sure to be on the look out.

Keep on building the future,

— Jason